Support our Team
As a mission-driven newsroom, we have made the commitment to always provide our journalism at Dogwood to our readers for free because we believe factual, thoughtful, and relevant local news should be easily accessible by everyone.
Our Virginia-based reporters and editors work diligently to foster a stronger democracy through building more informed, engaged communities across the Commonwealth.
To support our local journalists across Virginia, we are offering you, our reader, an opportunity to support our work through a one-time or monthly contribution. By supporting our work, you are helping us to grow our teams on the ground and counter disinformation where it spreads online with good, factual information and reporting that matters to you and your community.
Contributions or gifts in support of Dogwood’s journalism are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.
Dogwood is part of the Courier Newsroom network. All payments will be made to Courier Newsroom.
If you are interested in supporting Dogwood, please consider making a contribution here.