Rashid: So Many Right Wing Lies. Is A Platform of Ideas Too Much to Ask?
STAFFORD-During every election season, a new right wing lie seems to pop up. What happened to running on a platform of ideas, Qasim asks.
STAFFORD-During every election season, a new right wing lie seems to pop up. What happened to running on a platform of ideas, Qasim asks.
STAFFORD- Working Americans deserve better pay, affordable healthcare, and accessible housing. How do we get those, Qasim wonders?
STAFFORD-After a school board incident in Loudoun County, Qasim looks to the creators of critical race theory to explain what it is and isn't.
STAFFORD-Why should Virginia Democrats stay engaged? Because that's the only way we'll ever see change, columnist Qasim Rashid argues.
STAFFORD-America stands at a filibuster crossroads. Do we uphold a racist Senate rule? Or do we move forward and protect voting rights?
STAFFORD-As we mark the 100-year anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre, columnist Qasim Rashid argues we still haven't learned from it.
STAFFORD-Why would you vote against an investigation into the Jan. 6 insurrection? Wouldn't that help the country? Qasim has some thoughts.
STAFFORD-When it comes to discussions over Israel and Palestine, we must reject propaganda and embrace fact and justice to achieve peace.
STAFFORD-No, President Biden's policies didn't create lower job numbers. Qasim looks at the jobs report and breaks down the numbers.
STAFFORD-Qasim takes a look at the lieutenant governor's race and makes an argument for his chosen candidate.